The world needs your magic.

Step into your life abundantly nourished and resourced.

Here’s how I can support you

Business Support

Are you a female solopreneur? I offer holistic support to nurture your business - from the tech stuff to online course creation, from email marketing to creating a Square Space website.

Rest & Retreat

Join my monthly online rest circles and retreats to connect with rest and the rhythm of your inner garden. Check out my 21 Days of Rest self-directed program and my 1:1 rest sessions.

Perfumes & Potions

Reconnect with your precious body through my organic perfumes, body oils, and balms, all crafted with years of expertise and wisdom to soothe, nourish, and restore.

But first, rest.

Get your free I Am Luminous yoga nidra meditation.


I’ve been called a fairy godmother, upgraded for the 21st Century. Here’s why…

I thrive in supporting women to come home to their wisdom, share their magic, and shine. You could say it’s my life’s calling.

I have lots of meaningful practices, resources, and skills to share with you. I love both the practical and the magical.

I’m a mentor, website designer, virtual assistant, online learning specialist, aromatherapist, and Daring to Rest yoga nidra facilitator & teacher-trainer.

Let me be your guide as you step fully into your wild & precious life - abundantly nourished and resourced.

Love Notes