feel nourished & empowered at midlife

Honoring the Queen: A mini-retreat for midlife women

Saturday, October 19, 2024
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. M.T.

Held online, join live or watch the replay

you’re no longer young, but you’re not old either

What if you saw yourself as Queen?

How would that change your midlife experience?

In this online mini-retreat, you’ll meet the Queen - a powerful and supportive archetype for midlife women.

You’ll walk away with practical tools, resources, and insights to help you navigate this chapter of life feeling rested, nourished, and empowered.

Join live or watch the replay.

Here’s What’s Included

Saturday, October 19
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. M.T.

If you are not able to attend the live event, you will have access to the recording the next day.

Part 1: Meet the Queen

Our retreat begins with an introduction to a powerful and supportive archetype for midlife women - the Queen.

We’ll explore how the Queen represents a unique opportunity to redefine how you journey through midlife.

You’ll enjoy discovering how this archetype connects to the everyday world around you. You’ll deepen your connection to the Queen archetype through reflective prompts, images, and poetry.

You’ll also receive a Meet the Queen journal for you to download and keep.

Part 2: Caring for the Queen

with Louise Carr, Holistic Nutritionist

Louise will share her expertise on how to care for your body and spirit as you navigate this transformative phase. The session with Louise will cover the following topics, plus there will be time for your questions.

Reclaiming Queen Power

Learn how to reclaim your energy after years of caring for others, drawing your strength back to focus on your own needs and desires.

Protecting the Queen

Discover how to use boundaries effectively to protect your energy, health, rest, and exercise, ensuring that your Queen thrives in all aspects of life.

Nourishing the Queen

Move beyond diet and restriction thinking. Louise will guide you on how to deeply nourish your Queen through balanced nutrition that supports your body’s unique needs during midlife.

Speaking as Queen

Embrace the importance of speaking up for your needs. Discover the critical role of thyroid health in the hormonal changes of midlife and how to support this vital aspect of your well-being.

Part 3: Rest like a Queen

with Certified Daring to Rest facilitator & teacher-trainer Shelagh Lenon

Experience deep rest and rejuvenation with a 35 minute Yoga Nidra meditation. This guided meditation will help you release stress, restore balance, and connect with your inner Queen, leaving you feeling refreshed and empowered.

You will receive a recording of the meditation to download so that you can keep resting.

The practice of Yoga Nidra is a sanctuary for midlife women.

It offers deep, restorative rest that nurtures your body and provides it with the care it truly needs.

Practicing yoga nidra regularly:

  • soothes and balances the nervous system

  • relieves tension and stress

  • shifts brain waves into a nourishing state of regeneration

  • awakens creativity & increases clarity

  • brings you back home to your wisdom, insight, intuition

Here’s an overview of the flow of the mini-retreat.

Saturday, October 19
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. M.T.

After the mini-retreat, you’ll get access to an online portal with the replay, the yoga nidra recording, and the Meet the Queen journal for you to download.

✓ Opening of the mini-retreat with a short rest practice

✓ An introduction to the Queen archetype with Shelagh Lenon

✓ Caring for the Queen session with Louise Carr

✓ Wellness break and quiet time to go outside, journal, or move your body

✓ Deep rest yoga nidra session with Shelagh Lenon

✓ Closing of the mini-retreat

rested, nourished, empowered

Ready to step into your queendom?


Sliding Scale: $30, $40, $50 CAD

Please have a look at this image to determine where you fall on the sliding scale.


Shelagh Lenon

Shelagh Lenon has been called a fairy godmother, upgraded for the 21st Century.

She thrives in supporting women to step fully into their wild & precious lives - abundantly nourished and resourced.

She’s a Daring to Rest yoga nidra facilitator & teacher-trainer, mentor, website designer, virtual assistant, online learning specialist, and aromatherapist.

Learn more about Shelagh here.

Louise Carr

Louise is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant graduated from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition with 13 years of experience working with women in midlife.

She works with midlife women who are feeling anxious, exhausted, and plagued by random menopausal symptoms who want to get back to feeling energized, sleeping like a baby and feeling like their old selves again.

Louise teaches an online course, Menopause U, which provides science based, easy to understand information about midlife women’s bodies, hormones and the implications of hormonal change on women’s health.

Menopause U empowers women in perimenopause and menopause with the information they need to get back on the same side as their bodies and feed themselves the dense nutrition their bodies crave and can reduce and eliminate uncomfortable symptoms in midlife.  

Menopause U takes a step-by-step approach to explaining the root cause of your menopausal symptoms, the nutrition your body needs to alleviate those symptoms and easy and delicious recipes that help you to shift from feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable to calm, confident and back in control of your life.

What Women Are Saying


  • Yes we would love for you to join! You will have access to an online portal with the mini-retreat replay, the yoga nidra recording, and the Queen Journal for you to download.

  • While we would love to see your beautiful face, we understand that sometimes it feels better to have the Zoom camera off. Everything is optional in the mini-retreat. You can have your camera on or off.

  • Anyone who identifies as a middle-aged woman. You could be peri-menopausal or post-menopause. You may have adult children, kids still at home, or be child-free.

  • Archetypes are the characters in the human story, appearing repeatedly in our mythology, stories, movies, and personal lives.

    We all embody various archetypes—some are well-developed, others may be overdeveloped, underdeveloped, or expressed through their light or shadow sides.

    Gaining awareness of the archetypes we carry and how we express them can deepen our understanding of who we are, how we relate to others, our purpose, and what we have to offer the world.

    You might already be familiar with the Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes.

    Women who have embraced feminist spirituality and seek to honor embodied ways of knowing often find the traditional concept of Maiden, Mother, and Crone limiting.

    Where does a woman in her forties, fifties, or sixties belong? Beyond or at the end of the childbearing years, yet not ready to identify as a Crone, she stands at the peak of her personal power.

    One archetype that emerges for women at midlife is the Queen.

    In the mini-retreat, you'll connect with the Queen and discover how embracing this archetype during midlife can lead to greater contentment, confidence, and comfort in your own body.

  • You will be learning about ways to care for your body in this stage of life.

    You'll also learn about a new archetype for this phase of life that you may find supportive and nourishing.

    You will also be experiencing deep relaxation with a 35 minute yoga nidra.

  • We ask that you bring your full presence. Turn off cellphones and other computer tabs.

    Bring a candle, matches, journal and some pens.

    Bring your favourite nourishing snack and beverage.

    Bring all the things you'll need to get supremely comfortable to rest with yoga nidra: pillows, blankets, an eye pillow if you like.


Ready to reframe midlife?


Sliding Scale: $30, $40, $50 CAD

Please have a look at this image to determine where you fall on the sliding scale.